Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, evidently.  

I swear there has got to be a National fill-in-the-blank-here Day for everything.

Anyway, I think chocolate chip cookies are a fabulous thing to celebrate, and so in honor of this illustrious holiday, I decided to take my patriotism to the kitchen and let it run wild. Not that I ever need much of an excuse to make a big batch of cookie dough {cough} I mean, cookies. Plus I have a shelf exam coming up on Friday and stress baking is the best kind of baking.

I experimented with this amazing recipe of my Aunt Jane's, and then, not content to celebrate just chocolate chips, went ahead and added in every other delicious thing I had in my pantry also. 

Go big or go home, amiright??!?

These cookies are pretty much the best ever, if I do say so myself. Slightly crunchy on the outside, soft and slightly gooey on the inside, all sorts of different flavor and texture combinations depending on the bite... just a little bit of everything, the best of all cookie worlds. In other words, just how I like them. :)

Kitchen Sink Cookies
makes two dozen large cookies, depending on how much dough you eat :)

1 c butter
1 c brown sugar
1 c white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 c flour
2 c oatmeal
1-2 tsp sea salt
1 c chocolate chips
1 c shredded coconut
1 c walnut pieces
1 c dried cherries

Bake 10-12 minutes at 350°.

*We didn't have any on hand, but I would have also added a teaspoon of almond extract, which adds a really delicious can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it sump'n-sump'n to cookies.  I discovered this by accident once when I was probably stress-baking and didn't have vanilla extract in the house, so I used almond instead and the cookies turned out wicked good.

PS. Hey!  I just realized this is my first-ever food-blog post with my own recipe!  If you try to out, please let me know what you think!!


  1. This is Alex!

    1. These look delicious and I am going to make them ASAP.
    2. It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out how to comment on your blog. This must be what my grandmother feels like.
    3. You are SO cute and have inspired me to want to BLOG!!


  2. ~~~`I will be baking these
    For Sure. Love the idea of adding oatmeal & cherries.
    They sound siiiiiiiiiiiinful <3 Xxx

  3. I was the recipient of the almond extract mistake double chocolate chip cookies many years ago and have been a loyal almond extract user in my occasional baking forays ever since! Try a tiny bit in pancakes and then put almond butter and grade B maple syrup on them. Un.Be.Lievable. :) MISS YOU XO

  4. I will definitely be trying this out! I'm usually not a big fan of coconut but I think the combination with everything else will be super. Love "kitchen sink" too...lol really encapsulates it.

    btw, love your story about going to med school a little "later" and your work in haiti. i have a special place in my heart for that little island.

  5. These sound fantastic! And better yet, they have coconut in them so I can have them all to myself and not share. Is it wrong that I don't want to share cookies with my husband? If it is, I don't care, at least I won't while I'm eating these. I'm pinning this to Pinterest so I can be sure to find the recipe later.

    Found you through the Write On Edge link up.


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