Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Big Holiday Post, 2012

Yes!!  It's time for my favorite post of the year!  

Side note: I have this theory that how you feel about the holidays is pretty much a direct reflection of how you feel about your family.  Anyone else find that to be true?  Like, whenever someone is all, ugh, Thanksgiving or ugh, I can't wait for Christmas to be over, it is almost always the case that they are also like, ugh, MY FAMILY or something along those lines.  I also probably think this is true because I think my family is the bomb, and I LOVE the holidays - everything about them.  

Anywho... without further ado, here is our family Christmas in lots and lots of pictures.  :)

Sisters at Christmas Eve services.
Ellen's cute hair sorta really makes me want to get bangs again. Too bad I am sooo lazy about doing my hair.

For anyone who's ever wanted to see me dance in my awesome pjs - here you go.

I told you that Wii Just Dance was the best thing ever... I mean, this is just photographic proof.

Wonder who is off?

Getting serious.

One of the many reasons I love my dad.

Matchy-matchy in track suits on Christmas morning.

Loving my new hat that Mom made me.

Big teeth.

Abby and Abba open gifts.

Matthew looks creepily at his wife.

Izzy comes over to check out my haul.

She really wanted the little bottle of Bailey's that came with the hot chocolate jar from Ellen.

Thanks, brother.

Totally normal.

Matt gets new sneakers.

Abby cracks up.

Mom gets new sneakers.

Abby thinks they are hilarious.

Or ridiculous.

Let's go with hilarious.

Dad gets new sneakers; Matthew sees dead people.

Sweet kicks, Dad.

Izzy approves of the new fire pit for the backyard.

Snuggling with my cozy new robe.

Porky wants to snuggle with my cozy new robe, too.

Izzy's Christmas bunny.

She loves it!

Yay, Christmas!!

The Porkster (Matt's in-laws' dog who spent Christmas with us.)


Matt, Alex and Porky

Olivia schools Dad at MarioKart.

Izzy is bored by all of our dancing.

Best two pictures of this entire holiday season...

Possibly of all time.

The happy couple with two snoozing pups.


Ellen specialized in taking super-flattering and attractive pictures of me this year.  She told me I should use these for my online dating profile.  Thanks, sis.

Ahem.  Moving on...  

Christmas dinner with extended family!

Olivia's special talent for making self-portraits really precious.

Sisters + a baby

Cute drool-machine.

Matthew and happy Soren.

Ellen wins big in the family white elephant gift exchange.



Mom and Dad, being adorable.

Unsuspecting puppy sleeping peacefully...

Mom's sweet shades.

The family photobooth made a return appearance.  (We are not drunk in these photos.  Seriously.)

Ellen's and my fake-laughing series.  Not really sure why we were doing this.  Also, we were being silent,
which makes it even weirder.

Ok, a sweet one to end on.  :)

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