Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mini-Bucket List

Inspired by one of my favorite blogs, here is this week's Mini-Bucket List:

1. take yoga classes at my best friend's brand-new studio
2. visit my friend Morgan and meet her brand-new baby
3. go hiking with my mama
4. watch the movie Water for Elephants since I just read the book (I am mad at myself for flying through it so fast because it was sooo good and now I'm sad it's over)
5. finish piecing together my quilt
6. take lots of naps
7. make several phone calls to friends I haven't spoken to in way too long
8. have coffee with my Jean-o
9. eat a lot of delicious food (ha, this is never really a problem for me)
10. PR in the Houska Houska with my mom and sis on Memorial Day

(In case you didn't gather, I am currently on one glorious week of vacation, and home sweet home in the great state of Colorado.  There are no words for how good it feels and how much I needed this little break.)


  1. Wow! Have fun Cathy! Let's set up a meeting when you get back. :)

    Dr. M

    1. Yes! I will call you early next week! :)

  2. This is a sweet list. I just saw the Water for Elephants movie, but didn't read the book first. I thought it was spectacular and I hope you do too :)


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