about this blog

Welcome!  I'm so glad you stopped by. 

I am a fourth-year medical student, recently 30, Colorado native, Atlanta transplant, lover of life, and this blog is the story of my years in medical school.

I went to med school after very intentionally not doing anything even remotely related to pre-med in undergrad, working a few different jobs in various places around the world for a few years, and then finally realizing that I wanted to be a doctor (a realization that simultaneously filled me with excitement and dread.) So, I spent a year doing a post-bac program to do all the required science courses, took the MCAT, applied to a ton of schools, GOT IN, and now... here I am. Whodathunkit??! (Definitely not me.) 

I started writing this blog mainly as a way for my mom and a small handful of others to hear some stories about my experiences, maybe see a few pictures. Turns out my mom is too busy to read the blog, so now I mostly just write about things that are interesting to me. (Sort of kidding... she does read it, sometimes.)

I love medicine and I like med school. I really do. For the most part. But my first two years were sort of rough, not really sure why. Maybe I just wasn't mentally prepared to go back to being a serious full-time student. Maybe it's that I'm thirty, unmarried, living on a student budget and learning all about how my eggs are dying at an exponential rate while most of my friends are getting married, getting promoted, buying houses, having babies and generally leading productive adult lives; and the weird thing is that I never expected to be one of those girls who freaks out about any of these things... and so the fact that I do feel sort of freaked out about them freaks me out even more.

Or maybe med school's just hard. 

Now, just finished with my third year, things feel better. Not easier, or less crazy, or anything like that. Definitely not less work or better hours (the opposite, actually.) Just... better, for some reason. More interesting, for sure. Being with patients gives me more frequent, more concrete reminders of why I decided this path would be worth it.

This blog is sort of like my one little creative outlet that helps keep me sane. If you enjoy it, please write - I would love to hear from you!! (littlelifeadventures[at]gmail.com)

Getting my white coat... I sure was happy that day.

A list of things I love: 
~my family
~sleeping under big, fluffy comforters
~painting my nails
~the beach
~Chipotle burritos
~my dog
~cooking for friends
~singing in my car
~exploring new places
~snail mail

I am a medical student. I hope this goes without saying, but I am going to say it anyway: please do not take anything you read here as informed medical advice. Treat everything on this blog like you would treat anything else that Google randomly dug up for you, and go see a real doctor for any health-related concerns. (Likewise for my thoughts on any other subject.)

With regards to HIPPA (patient privacy laws), anything I ever write about a patient will be changed such that no identifying details will be left in the story. 

Everything on this blog is my own work unless credited otherwise.

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