Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Housewares Fantasy Time

And the randomness this week continues.  Sorry, folks, the inspiration/energy to actually write or share anything interesting/meaningful has been lacking.  So instead, here are some more pictures! 

These are from a fun open house/open bar event a few weeks ago at Paris on Ponce.  It's sort of like an upscale flea market; they have tons of awesome stuff at tons of different booths, all housed in a big giant warehouse.  Sooo many gorgeous and totally unaffordable things, and so much fun to walk around and drool over/covet things for my future hypothetical home.  (Kinda like a real-life Pinterest!)

Ok, not housewares. But a really cool/weird paper dress and wig on a mannequin.

One of my small purchases! LOVE these.

Glowing goblets.

Love the colors and the geometric patterns on these throw pillows.

Bright happy colors. :)

Whimsical mini-terrariums.

I actually went back to buy this piece a week later, and it was (obviously) gone... sort of heartbreaking.

Eyeball!  For any future ophthalmologists out there...

Another purchase - antique pyrex bowls.

If I had [any] money, I could spend a lot of it in this place.  Maybe someday...

1 comment:

  1. CUTE! slash that mannequin thing is so creepy. and I hope you meant you wanted to buy the desk thing and not the pelt (?) on top of it...ha. Love the things you bought!!!


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