... are super complicated. Who knew??!?! Turns out, they do a lot of really important shit, too!
Tomorrow is our renal module exam... and I am in no way confident about how it will go. Holy crap, there is a lot to know about kidneys. If you feel like saying a little prayer for me, please do.
BUT... the good news is that after the exam tomorrow, we are finally on our [way, way too short] "summer break" for three weeks. I think everyone is just dying for it to be here. It was been a long, intense year, and will soon be another really long intense year, starting again at the beginning of July. (Not gonna lie, I love Emory, but this schedule is definitely a major drawback.)
So, lots to look forward to:
this guy gets back from a short business trip...
then, I get to go back here for a week...
then, lake time with Jake's family in Maine...
then, more family time with my people in Colorado...
... then back to the Atl to officially start second year. Crazy.
Congrats on finishing your first year!!! Enjoy this very, very short but richly filled summer break.