Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good Times

So!  Now that it is already half-way through November, maybe I'll put up a post here.  Yes, I know, sort of lame, but I don't really have time/energy/creativity to write much- this is mostly just going to be pictures from the past few weekends.

First up, a very successful third-annual Birmingham Halloween with Martin and Marielle:

Trying out Martin's new fire-pit on a surprisingly cold night:

Running for a good cause in Birmingham- raising money for UAB's free student-run clinic:

Followed by another good cause- drinking beer in Atlanta to raise money for a surgical trip to Haiti:

Jake and his fab backup dancer Zoe killed it at the final (karaoke) bar on the pub crawl with MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This":

Then, this past weekend saw visit's from Jimi, my roommate from Air Force training, and her boyfriend, Katie, my friend from my post-bac program, my brother Martin, and Jake's friend Pamela from Austin.  So much fun - friends, family, Cuban food, sangria and salsa dancing, just my kind of weekend! 

Next up: a college friend's wedding in Philly, then HOME TO COLORADO!  WOOHOOOO!  Oh yeah, also, this is the last week of classes of my second year of med school, and after that, I get to crawl into a hole for two months and study my ass off for boards.  Sweet.  Heads up, this blog might be a little boring for a while here...

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll be posting like crazy because we'll be having so much fun during your study breaks! Also, I'm still obsessed with your Halloween costumes.


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